The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy

The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy


<Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors>


Of critical importance and relevance to the discussion here is the following fact: The velocity-variations of the Bernabei dark-matter-wind or wimp-wind are congruent and agreeable with both standard astronomy regarding the spiral-form motion of the Earth-Sun system, and with the findings of Miller. Both the Bernabei team’s residual data variations, and Miller’s ether-drift (or ether-wind) variations, independently proved the Earth moves at maximum velocity and through a maximum distance of space in June, and at minimum velocity and distance in December. Figures 31 and 32 show this graphically.

Figures 31: The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy, showing its directional axis and variations in speed over the course of the year. (DeMeo 2004)

The Earth’s axis of net motion is not exactly down the center-line of the spiral, which as noted by both Reich and Piccardi in the mid-20th Century, gives rise to clear velocity variations over the course of a year. These are of great significance if space has energy or even the most minute of substance to it. The “X” near to Vega in Figure 31 marks the northern axis of ether-drift as determined from Miller’s ether-drift experiments. Figure 32 gives the velocity determinations from Miller’s ether-drift experiments over four seasonal epochs of experiments at Mt. Wilson. These motional diagrams are all agreeable with standard astronomical determinations of 2 June as the velocity maxima, and 2 December as the velocity minima.

Figure 32: The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy, showing its directional axis and variations in speed over the course of the year. (DeMeo 2004)


August 31, 2014 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Universe

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